We Now Own Lake-front Property!

We always wanted lake-front property! We’ve had record breaking rain this weekend. Note the 2 white boxes in the middle of the 1st, 3rd & 4th pictures. They are the tops of our neighbors’ mailboxes. The water was basically 3 1/2 to 4 feet deep at that point. It receded during the night about a foot, but we’re getting more rain today due to Ike. So far nothing in our house. Hopefully we’ll make it through another day and not have lake-front property with an indoor pool!

4 Replies to “We Now Own Lake-front Property!”

  1. No, and I’m quite surprised that it didn’t. It rained most of the day, but just slowly. It actually kept receding all day and by this morning all of the water was gone. Last year we had a larger hole dug out in the basement and a new super sump pump installed. This spring we had a retaining wall (with drainage) built on the East side of the house. Both were tested this weekend and worked beautifully! We were lucky. Many homes in our neighborhood (and all over Chicago-land) got water, filling their basements and into their first floors. I spoke with Steve F. on Saturday and they got water. They had to tear up their carpeting in the basement. Ronnie called last night and they’re OK, no water problems at all.

  2. Looks like you had the work done just in time.

    No one in the family had any cars float away did they? 😉

  3. No. We got Steve’s Blazer out when we realized how deep it was getting (hours before these pictures were taken). We parked it a couple of blocks away…on higher ground. It was too late to get my car out of the garage.

    Don’t think Steve and Mary’s street actually flooded. Their sump pump burned out and that’s what caused the flooding to their basement.

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