Oh My Aching Knees!

Well, one anyway. The other isn’t so bad. Today I’m going to get my left knee “scoped”.

I have a “torn meniscus”. Don’t know yet how extensive, but I don’t think it’s too bad. The other knee shows some degeneration, but doesn’t need surgery yet.

How many of us have had knee surgery?


14 Replies to “Oh My Aching Knees!”

  1. Twice. Everything feels fine right after the surgery. It’s 24-48 hours later when things can get dicey.

    I tore my mcl playing field hockey. How’d you do yours?

    Good luck with the surgery.

  2. No one thing. 15 years of martial arts, kids at 40, stuff like that, I think.

    Also, I think “torn” can be misleading with the meniscus. Deterioration might be more accurate sometimes.

    Not so happy to hear about the 24-48 hr window, cuz I feel great right now.

  3. No knee surgery for me, but Veronica had knee surgery last year just after Christmas. It was supposed to be a minor deal, but when the surgeon went in, he discovered it was much worse than they originally thought. He wasn’t qualified to do the surgery required, so she had to go back in and get it done a week later. She was on crutches for 10-12 weeks. It was really a drag trying to get around campus in the middle of the winter. She’s as good as new now.

    I think I’ve got before and after pictures at home somewhere they took when they went in. I’ll have to look and I’ll post them if I find them.

  4. She first complained about it when she banged her knee on the ground doing a dance. We’re not sure if that’s what caused the damage or if it was prior to that. She also played volleyball for a while and may have injured it then. Last year at the start of the school year she tried out for the dance squad and couldn’t even get through the tryouts. That’s when we decided it was time to have it checked out.

    It ends up she has quite a high pain tolerance. The doctor said he was surprised she could live with it as bad as it was.

  5. It’s been three years since my ACL and meniscus surgery. I will always have arthritis in that knee…I limp around in the morning for about 10 minutes before it warms up. I had a hole in the cartilage almost the size of a quarter. They tried sewing it up.

    The important thing is to take care of things as soon as there’s a problem. I waited too long for my surgery and continued to mess up the meniscus.

    How’s the knee feel today?

  6. Haven’t had any knee surgeries, but Steve & I just had colonoscopies…want to hear about them? Steve even has pictures!

  7. It’s Friday, 11am, and I feel fantastic! Really turned the corner yesterday at noon. Was icing it for the 3rd time that morning when I dozed off. Woke up realizing I had to get going to make it to Dr. appt on time. Looked out the window and was surprised to see a couple of inches of snow. Got up to look closer and realized I had just walked normally without cane or crutches to the window.

    Since then its’s been improving by leaps and bounds. (Haven’t literally leapt or bounded, but I probably could if I had to.) I have about 80% range-of-motion, minor stiffness. My knee has been worse than this after mild sprains. Don’t care to do a deep-knee-bend, but I’m walking without a limp.

    Remember, I didn’t have any soft tissue damage, just cartilage.

  8. I walked on it right after the surgery – and I mean right out of the operating room. Never did use crutches or a cane. I had surgery Thursday afternoon, walked around on it Thursday night and Friday morning but had a sudden shot of pain in the leg Friday night.

    When I called to ask if I had reinjured it or something, the doc said I couldn’t possibly hurt it and not to worry things would be fine – he was right. I was pretty incapacitated over the weekend but by Monday I could walk on it. Within a week I was pretty normal and played golf less than two weeks after the surgery.

    I didn’t have to do any rehab and I’ve had NO problem since.

  9. My doc has me scheduled for 6 weeks of PT, 3 days a week. Right now, I figure I might do it for 2 or 3 weeks. I want that full range-of-motion back. Got some kicking I wanna teach the kids.

  10. Hey everyone, it’s Mary. I know Chris said I need to get my own login but I don’t know how. I’ve had 2 knee surgeries, one was major and took months to recoup. I was hit by a car in highschool. Had to have it scoped a year after Crhis was born – I screwed it up crawling on the floor after him! The scope procedure was east to recoup from! Now it just hurts from time to time but it’s lievable.

  11. I had my knee scoped about 15 years ago which ended my indoor soccer career. Like Larry I was able to play golf within two weeks. No problems since.

  12. So do Falls have bad knees? Or are we so athletic we’ve all just ended up damaging them?

    BTW, all day today my “good knee” hurt more than my “bad knee”.

  13. If you were really athletic, you’d have such great coordination and quickness you’d be able to avoid these knee injuries. Note that I have not had any knee injuries!

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