4 Replies to “I was afraid something like this would happen”

  1. But Apple’s the consumer interface.

    One of my jobs with IBM was as the US Large Systems Marketing Customer Satisfaction manager so I know cust sat issues well. If there was one thing that the old IBM was known for it was how to deal with customer sat issues. The first and foremost one was to accept the fact that if your customer had a problem with the product that you sold them, you accepted responsibility even if the ultimate cause of the problem was one of your partners. It was your job to get the partner to fix the issue for your customer. The worst thing that you could do was point fingers at the other guy effectively saying to your customer “not our problem, it’s xyz’s – you’ll have to deal with them”. Nothing pisses off a customer more than that.

    Now Apple doesn’t do that, What they do is just ignore the issue, which is almost as bad.

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