My latest toy – a Withings

What’s a Withings you ask?

It’s an internet connected scale.

The scale is wirelessly connected to the internet with Wi-Fi. Everytime I weigh myself the scale connects to the internet and updates my weight and body fat content (it uses electrical impulses sent through my feet to measure my fat) on the Withings website and on my Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault accounts. It also sends a tweet out via my UncleLar twitter account which is connected to Facebook so my Facebook status is automatically updated too.

The Withings site also provides widgets which I can put on websites like this one to track my progress. Here’s how I’m doing so far (although I’ve only had the scale for a couple of days, I’m about a month into a campaign to lose a lb a week so I can get back down below 200 by around the end of September).