Smashmouth ain’t nothin

This is in response to Gary’s Smashmouth posting. I couldn’t post a picture as a comment so I had to start a new entry.

I’ve posted a picture here of our friend Mel’s snowblower. Many of you know Mel. He owns his own auto repair shop and I get out there every once in a while because I help him with his computers. I was actually just there this morning and had his partner send me this picture of the snowblower Mel created. It’s got a V8 engine and dual exhaust stacks. He said he managed to clear his entire lot of 6 inches of snow in about 15 minutes after last week’s storm.

As Mel said, Gary, “Don’t try to compete with professionals.”

Resuming Normal Activities

Following my doctor’s advice to resume normal activities, I went forward with the 2nd Annual State College Santa Crawl on Saturday night. In the initial event last December we had five participants, this year we tripled that number. I do believe that the event now has enough inertia that it will probably double in size next year. That should allow it to take on a life of its own similar to the way the A-Z bar tour that I created in Philadelphia went on for at over 10 years after I left town (for all I know the A-Z tour is still going on).

For more photos of our event, click here.