Rock On

I know this stuff isn’t new for most of you, but I get a big kick out of watching my kids do new things. This was actually Charlotte’s 2nd time on a rock wall, but this one was much more substantial.

And she rocked.

Thanksgiving NY Style

Santa always finishes the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

After the parade we left the building we were in (Ed Sullivan Theatre, aka Letterman Show) to head to our cars. We had a group photo taken by a passerby. Wanted a second but couldn’t get the kids’ attention as they were fascinated by the street-sweepers.

We were accompanied by an old friend and co-worker of Lis’, Doug Reuter, his wife, Susan and 2 kids. His first was born 3 mos before Charlotte. His 2nd the same day as Lex. We’ve known Doug for more than 20 yrs.

We went to the Upper West Side and Nancy’s apartment (Nana to the kids.) A little play in the local park playground and dinner.

All in all a fine day.

Belated H’Ween Pix

Just saw Larry’s post busting me for not putting a shot of Charlotte up.

I didn’t get home that night till the kids were already trick-or-treating. When they got home no-one was willing to pose. So I didn’t have good shots, so I didn’t put one up. I now realize my transgression and hope to make amends for it.

Enjoy Your Trip! See You Next Fall!

When Charlotte started walking, whenever she fell I would let out a cheerful “Enjoy your trip! See you next fall!”, as a distraction. It became an automatic response for me, and by now I’ve probably said it to the 2 of them a thousand times.

The other night Lex and I were in the kitchen, Charlotte was in the dining room. Lex tripped and I blurted out “Enjoy your trip! See you next fall!”

10 seconds later I heard Charlotte laughing hysterically.

Five years and 1000 repetitions…. She got the joke.

Praying Mantis

For the past 3 years we’ve been seeing a praying mantis in our backyard. I get quite a kick out of it. I don’t recall seeing any as a kid. The children really dig it, too. We found one yesterday and I took a few pix.

I also read a little about them. They live only a year, so we’ve apparently got a family in our yard. And they’re carnivorous. Here’s an article about a praying mantis that caught a hummingbird. A picture, too. Pretty cool.

BTW, I’m pretty impressed by the macro lens on my little camera. Charlotte said, “I never saw the eyes before.” Not sure I do, but I do see slits that could be eyes.

I really like the small opportunities our yard offers the kids to experience nature a bit. Lightning bugs are plentiful (tho Lis and I fight over calling them lightning bugs or fireflies). We have a pair of cardinals, some blue jays, a catbird or 4. Occasionally a flock of crows create havoc. We have a family of skunks nearby. I crossed paths with a baby skunk (8 ft away) while taking the garbage out recently. I ran like hell. Possum, raccoons, a family of bunny rabbits, dead moles that the kids bury. Bats, neat.

Just a bit of the mundane I thought ya’all might enjoy.