Another niece (real type) photo

Kenny’s right, I have been neglecting the real nieces, so I’ve been scrounging around trying to find photos. I’ve found a couple of interesting ones which I’ll post over the next few days starting with this one of Charlotte and I. I think Charlotte is just a little over two months old at the time. I was living in CT then so I just buzzed down one day to visit. Charlotte and I are obviously quite comfortable in each other’s company. 🙂

Did I ever tell you about Halloween 1992?

I haven’t just recently started dressing up for Halloween – I’ve been doing it for years. One of my favorites was a road trip to Utah in 1992 (Penn State/Utah football game). Niece Natalie (the real one) and I got to go trick or treating. I think we made quite the pair – Little Orphan Annie and Daddy Warbucks.

The trick or treating was easily my fondest memories of that weekend. Since then I’ve tried to block out any memories of the pasting the Utah handed the PSU football team. And I’ve also tried to block out memories of my feeble attempts to make a move on the newscaster at Ken’s station – she was a former Utah homecoming queen if I remember right. I tried to get her to make a bet on the game with me – when she blew me off I suggested a simple bet, maybe a coke or something – she declined that. Of course, I felt like a total idiot when Ken pulled me aside and said “Mormons don’t bet and Mormons don’t drink caffeine”. How was I to know?

However, Natalie saved the weekend. We had a blast going around the neighborhood. Who do you think is the cutest?

2006 Fall Family Reunion

What’ll it be?

East Coast?

PSU v. Notre Dame?


Here’s the beginning of a potentially long thread, so……

Remember, you can click the DAY & TIME text at the bottom to see all comments on their own page, it’s a bit more manageable than clicking the actual COMMENT link. And,

You can bookmark that page (the result of DAY & TIME described above), so you can go directly to it without having to navigate the blog as a whole. (You may want to change the default name given to the “Comments” page.)

I have mixed feelings about the 2 choices. I do know I don’t want to go to Hawaii.

Also, where are the spouses and 2nd gen’ers here? Whassup?!


Lisman’s Mom has asked us to invite Shannon, Mar and Steve to NY for Thanksgiving. She remembers fondly a Thanksgiving with Shan and has been wanting to do it again ever since. Were you here, too, Mar?

Larry, do you have T-Day plans? I don’t remember any pix of you in a Pilgrim or turkey costume, so I suspect you don’t have any annual events scheduled around T-Day.

Grand Opening!! Welcome….

As much fun as this blog can, should, and I hope will be, my reason for thinking we should have one was a bit more serious.

To keep in touch.

I had a great time at Steve and Mary’s party. But I didn’t really talk to anyone, I just clowned around and had fun with everyone. Maybe that’s just me (probably most of the men). Part of the reason, tho, is that it’s hard to catch up on a year in 10 minutes. So I don’t even try. For one thing, there’s little common ground in many cases. Where to start?

How about here? Let’s make this our common ground.