Belated H’Ween Pix

Just saw Larry’s post busting me for not putting a shot of Charlotte up.

I didn’t get home that night till the kids were already trick-or-treating. When they got home no-one was willing to pose. So I didn’t have good shots, so I didn’t put one up. I now realize my transgression and hope to make amends for it.

2006 Fall Family Reunion

What’ll it be?

East Coast?

PSU v. Notre Dame?


Here’s the beginning of a potentially long thread, so……

Remember, you can click the DAY & TIME text at the bottom to see all comments on their own page, it’s a bit more manageable than clicking the actual COMMENT link. And,

You can bookmark that page (the result of DAY & TIME described above), so you can go directly to it without having to navigate the blog as a whole. (You may want to change the default name given to the “Comments” page.)

I have mixed feelings about the 2 choices. I do know I don’t want to go to Hawaii.

Also, where are the spouses and 2nd gen’ers here? Whassup?!

Enjoy Your Trip! See You Next Fall!

When Charlotte started walking, whenever she fell I would let out a cheerful “Enjoy your trip! See you next fall!”, as a distraction. It became an automatic response for me, and by now I’ve probably said it to the 2 of them a thousand times.

The other night Lex and I were in the kitchen, Charlotte was in the dining room. Lex tripped and I blurted out “Enjoy your trip! See you next fall!”

10 seconds later I heard Charlotte laughing hysterically.

Five years and 1000 repetitions…. She got the joke.

Cayuga Pipe Company

Cayuga Concrete Pipe was founded in 1958 in New Britain, Pennsylvania. A second facility located in Croydon, Pa was acquired in 2000 and a third facility located in New Britain, PA was acquired in 2002.

Praying Mantis

For the past 3 years we’ve been seeing a praying mantis in our backyard. I get quite a kick out of it. I don’t recall seeing any as a kid. The children really dig it, too. We found one yesterday and I took a few pix.

I also read a little about them. They live only a year, so we’ve apparently got a family in our yard. And they’re carnivorous. Here’s an article about a praying mantis that caught a hummingbird. A picture, too. Pretty cool.

BTW, I’m pretty impressed by the macro lens on my little camera. Charlotte said, “I never saw the eyes before.” Not sure I do, but I do see slits that could be eyes.

I really like the small opportunities our yard offers the kids to experience nature a bit. Lightning bugs are plentiful (tho Lis and I fight over calling them lightning bugs or fireflies). We have a pair of cardinals, some blue jays, a catbird or 4. Occasionally a flock of crows create havoc. We have a family of skunks nearby. I crossed paths with a baby skunk (8 ft away) while taking the garbage out recently. I ran like hell. Possum, raccoons, a family of bunny rabbits, dead moles that the kids bury. Bats, neat.

Just a bit of the mundane I thought ya’all might enjoy.

Anybody paying attention?

It’s Friday night, the kids are watching Superman II, we’re waiting for pizza, and it’s raining for the 8th day in a row. Just remembered a picture I’ve been meaning to put up here in hopes of stimulating some conversation. Ron, you can contribute, too.

Thank you White Sox!!

Congrats to White Sox fans!! Thanks a bunch.
The Red Sox are out, now the Yanks need to take care of their own problems.
If Yanks and Sox play, can we have a friendly wager?
Anybody want to come out to a game?

Was at miserable Yankees game last night, here’s the view from my seat. Actually left a playoff game early for the first time in my life. Looks doubtful the game will be played today.

Time to watch some Nittany Lion football.