A couple of familiar faces in this video

I stopped by a local music festival this morning to see Natalie Berrena sing with one of her groups, Pure Cane Sugar. To my surprise, I ran into ex-girlfriend Diane Wooding at the show (you can catch her in the lower left corner of the video)

Diane is back in town this weekend for her high school reunion and stopped down for the show because she knows Natalie (they were roommates for a week at Pat Daugherty’s place in St Martin – remember this post and photo?)

4 Replies to “A couple of familiar faces in this video”

  1. And my roommate for a year or so (can’t remember…you’ve already proven my memory wrong on my Scotland timeline so I don’t dare guess at this one). If you see her again tell her I said “Hi!”.

  2. Will do. She asked about you. Pat was there also. For some reason, we got to telling him about Woody and your wedding.

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