A New Goody – "On This Day"

While doing research for the Upcoming Birthdays Countdown, I found a website called New Links, which had this post on how to add an “On This Day” function to your blog. The code to do so was fairly simple so I’ve decided to add it to our Blog.

What the code generates is a series of links to web resources (I’ve chosen to implement just the BBC, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, NY Times, and the History Channel links) that publish historical information on what happened on any date in history. The links are located just after the dateline that appears before the lead post of the day (look just above the title of this post). Try clicking on any of the links above to see what historical events happened on December 23rd.

The links should be repopulated back through the archives so he should be able to check out dates on any of Legends of the Fall blog entries.

Have a go at it.